

捷模興業股份有限公司於民國81年創廠已有27年之歷史,我們追求製作品質、準時達交、符合成本要求,並在業界成為一個饒富特色的團隊,以持續提高整體開發與拓展業務之品質,並進而在業界佔有一席之地。 本公司成……


  • 地址:新北市樹林區俊興街211巷7弄35號
  • 網址:http://www.jiemo.com


捷模興業股份有限公司於民國81年創廠已有27年之歷史,我們追求製作品質、準時達交、符合成本要求,並在業界成為一個饒富特色的團隊,以持續提高整體開發與拓展業務之品質,並進而在業界佔有一席之地。 本公司成立以來一直秉持著以客至上、高品質、高效率、服務第一的經營理念, 配合精密機械設備及高超技術, 同時不斷的創新與研發產品, 因此從'訂製'的塑膠模仁入子到各種零配件的CNC銑床精密加工,都獲得客戶的十分肯定及滿意. 我們會以專業、親切、效率、熱情做為事業經營的精神,提供最佳品質的服務,以永續經營的理念,成為業界的典範,今後我們相信多了您的加入與參與,我們更能秉持優良的服務傳統,繼續造就更多的人才,創新突破,追求卓越,贏得客戶更廣大的信賴與支持。 本公司為因應高品質、高效率、低利潤的時代趨勢, 目前推出標準規格化的塑膠模仁, 以便縮短客戶的訂單時間及提升更優勢的競爭力.. ●目前因業務擴大之需求,需更多菁英一起共同努力請一同加入我們的行列! Jie Mo Industrial Company Limited was established in 1992 by Mr. Lin Chin Tang. After more than ten years of dedication to cavity processing, we are by far one of the well-experienced leaders in our industry. Our managing policy has always been based on high quality, high efficiency, and customer service. On top of the policy, we also practice with the newest precision machine equipment, extraordinary technique, constant creations and development. Therefore, from 'Made-to-Order' plastic cavity to any parts for CNC milling precision processing, we have been gaining customers' approval and satisfaction. We have developed and been producing the standard plastic cavity sizes, due to the high demands from customers regarding to high quality, high efficiency and low cost. By doing so, our customers will receive the products early and will be ahead of their competitors.營業項目:

‧塑膠模具零件(Plastic Mold Parts)
‧模仁及模仁孔加工(Cavity and Cavity Hole)
‧一般行體出銑(Rough Milling)
‧CNC加工。(CNC Milling Machine Processing)
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