

以『勤』立業,以『誠』待人以竣馬業 公司成立於1979年,成立初始的前5年專營自行車握把套為主,之後轉型製造自行車專用袋,之後陸續開發各式袋子與包包並成功打響自有品牌『outback』。以規模而言,竣……


  • 地址:台中市外埔區鐵山村長生路253號
  • 網址:http://www.outback-bag.com/


以竣馬業 公司成立於1979年,成立初始的前5年專營自行車握把套為主,之後轉型製造自行車專用袋,之後陸續開發各式袋子與包包並成功打響自有品牌『outback』。
以規模而言,竣馬業 屬於『小而美、小而實在』的公司,廠房面積600坪、員工35人,產品為各式各樣的自行車袋子,主要外銷歐洲及日本。Outback產品的主要特色是能夠結合流行趨勢、推陳出新,並開發各種樣式與種類,加上研發出各種專利設計,譬如其專利產品QR扣具,具有快速拆裝的功能,可根據大小不同Size款式與功能的袋子按裝在自行車上,大大方便自行車手依不同的需求選購。研發快速、設計新潮、功能齊備、款式多樣、品質可靠,加上價錢合理,難怪Outback深獲消費者喜愛與肯定。
Founded in 1979, Chun Yeh is an experienced manufacturer of cycling packs, backpacks,
ski board bags,pet bags and stroller seats.
The company has build up a solid business reputation over the past 33 years with their professional technology, exceptional quality and innovative R&D.

 Chun Yeh has two factories located in Taiwan and Shenzhen. Due to the competitive pressures in the industry and R&D considerations, their plant in Taiwan is primarily responsible for handling small flexible orders and new product development work. The company employs 30 people at their Taiwan factory and around 130 people at their Shenzhen factory. Annual sales are around NT$150 million.

Their top two products, cycling packs and stroller seats are chiefly exported to Europe and Japan. Focusing mainly on cycling pack development, the company has invested large sums specialized cycling fastener research and development and mold production.

Chun Yeh has earned patents for the fastener designs. These new fastener designs are extremely useful for the cycling pack repair market. Consumers find them both highly compatible with all types of cycling packs. The company presently offers twenty types of fasteners for the cycling market.

  As the economies of China, Vietnam and Eastern Europe have opened up, Taiwan no longer
has any competitive advantage in traditional manufacturing. Facing with increasing competition,
Chun Yeh decided to move their production to China to lower costs and service customer groups with different needs. In addition to developing fasteners, the company is also working to develop new materials, accessories and production technology to provide better products, more accurate delivery times and higher quality.

Chun Yeh has formed an expert R&D team to meet customer product development needs. By using Carel and Illustrator CS, the team significantly reduces the time it takes to prepare customer samples. Furthermore, they have made a breakthrough in their production process that provides 100%waterproofing and reduces stitching. The company has now set its sights on entering the outdoor equipment bag market.

  Over the past 33 years, Chun Yeh has dedicated themselves to developing a sustainable business through R&D and innovation. They have always sought out new opportunities in
turbulent times. The company is also grateful to the customers who have supported and trusted
them as their business has grown. Chun Yeh welcomes OEM and joint development opportunities from brand name manufacturers in every country so we can create new business together.

 Company Info:

Chun Yeh Ent. Co., Ltd.
Address: No.253, Chang Sheng Rd., Waipu Hsiang, Taichung Hsien, Taiwan
Phone: 886-4-26831571-3
FAX: 886-4-26831570
E-mail: service@outback-bag.com
URL: www.outbag-bag.com
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