
   時間:2014-03-07 00:16:36
1. Clear and Clean Assembly Structure:The assembly structure in TCE……

1.  Clear and Clean Assembly Structure:The assembly structure in TCEng and Master Engineering Plan are always corresponding; Each work pack owner is responsible to keep the subassembly clean.
2.  No suppressed Features when saving parts: Suppressed features will lead to corrupt 3D models. Always keep in mind that another team member has to understand the feature tree of a NX model;
3.  Work on TCEng not native: The NX data is always available for the whole team;
4.  Features well organized by Layer settings: Setting layers helps to keep the overview within a solid. Layer categories are defined within NX seedpart for Siemens BT.
5.  Versions are built up by creating revisions: Different design variant of the same parts will be created by using revisions within TCEng;
6.  Set the right Reference Sets: Reference sets define what will be displayed on a upper level in the assembly structure; It is a must to set the 3D-Model which will be displayed in the assembly or on the drawing on reference set called “solid”.
7.  Use Speaking 7 Billion Numbering System: Part numbers used within products are created with speaking 7 billion numbers. For other items like used in test equipment use nonspeaking 8 billion numbers. Do not use PEK-numbers.
8.  Work Tracking: Workpack owners always track running issues regarding parts within a work tracking list.
9.  Dimension on drawings MUST be assotiative: It is forbidden to change dimension on drawing manually by annotation editor.
10.  Follow design rules defined in CHECKDRAW: Checkdraw is available from your superuser.


1.     Clear and Clean Assembly Structure:The assembly structure in TCEng and Master Engineering Plan are always corresponding; Each work pack owner is responsible to keep the subassembly clean.
明確和清晰的裝配結構:在Teamcenter Engineering里的裝配結構要和主工程計劃里的始終一致,每個工作任務的所有者負責保持裝配的清晰。
這個是與工作環境有關係,研發過程中除了在Teamcenter Engineering里維護了裝配結構外,還需要在本地項目的文檔里建立裝配結構,這一條的意思就是要保持二者的一致。
2.     No suppressed Features when saving parts: Suppressed features will lead to corrupt 3D models. Always keep in mind that another team member has to understand the feature tree of a NX model;

3.     Work on TCEng not native: The NX data is always available for the whole team;
基於Teamcenter Engineering工作而不是本地工作;這樣整個團隊都能獲取NX數據。
4.     Features well organized by Layer settings: Setting layers helps to keep the overview within a solid. Layer categories are defined within NX seedpart for Siemens BT.


5.     Versions are built up by creating revisions: Different design variant of the same parts will be created by using revisions within TCEng;
通過在Teamcenter Engineering里建立修訂版來控制版本:使用Teamcenter Engineering里的修訂版來建立同類零件的不同設計想法

6.     Set the right Reference Sets: Reference sets define what will be displayed on a upper level in the assembly structure; It is a must to set the 3D-Model which will be displayed in the assembly or on the drawing on reference set called “solid”.
7.     Use Speaking 7 Billion Numbering System: Part numbers used within products are created with speaking 7 billion numbers. For other items like used in test equipment use nonspeaking 8 billion numbers. Do not use PEK-numbers.
這是企業編碼的要求,只解釋下 speaking 和nonspeaking 的區別,speaking的編碼是結構化的編碼,每一位表示具體的含義,non的編碼則是一個大流水,沒有具體的含義。


8.     Work Tracking: Workpack owners always track running issues regarding parts within a work tracking list.

這是企業研發流程的需要,Teamcenter只存了3D模型和二維工程圖,零件中存在的問題通過項目管理的work tracking list來進行跟蹤,並要求工程師保持二者的一致。
9.     Dimension on drawings MUST be assotiative: It is forbidden to change dimension on drawing manually by annotation editor.
10.     Follow design rules defined in CHECKDRAW: Checkdraw is available from your superuser.



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