
   時間:2014-03-11 20:23:24
    附件下載: 基於PLC的立體車庫的設計(中文).zip 內容簡介: 摘 要本設計針對目前停車場管理系統存在的系統管理介質落後、集成自動化程度低、安……


摘 要
本文闡述了智能停車場系統的PLC控制、收費、計費和安全的一些基本思路和方法,並介紹了著重介紹了PLC工作特點及運行原理,還介紹了C20P型歐姆龍型可編程式控制制器系列的C200H-OA223 PLC控制器主要功能模塊及應用,C20P不僅編程簡單,通用性強,抗干擾能力強,可靠性高,而且具有易於操作及維護,設計、施工、調試周期短等優點。還介紹了MIFARE1ICS50非接觸式IC卡的結構,描述了停車場管理系統的基本模塊及功能,並對系統的主迴路和控制迴路的硬體部分進行了詳細介紹。本文主要是對停車場進行智能化設計,通過採取PLC技術對停車場管理的設計,達到停車場智能化、高效化。
關鍵詞: PLC 停車 控制
The design of the current car park management system for the medium backward management system, integrated low degree of automation, poor security, human and operational inefficiencies of inadequate in light of the current field of science and technology as research results, design a more advanced technology, Reliable performance, a higher degree of automation Smart car park management system. The design of the guiding ideology based on the improved car park management system reliability, safety and efficiency of China's major cities in the face of "difficult to stop" the settlement of the issue, have a certain role. The system used by the PLC technology, RF card technology to other transport system has some reference.
This paper car park can only control system problems that exist in the PLC PLC and inverter control system can only be used in car parks, and a more in-depth studies.
In this paper, the Intelligent Parking Systems PLC control, charging, billing and security of some of the basic ideas and methods, and gave a briefing on the work focused on the PLC and operating characteristics of principle, also introduced C20P-Omron programmable control Series of C200H-OA223 PLC controller main function modules and application, C20P programming not only simple, high universality, anti-interference capability and high reliability, but also easy to operate and maintain, design, construction, commissioning the advantages of short cycle . It also introduced the MIFARE1ICS50 contactless IC card of the structure, describes the car park management system and the function of the basic modules, and the main circuit and control circuit for the hardware part of the detailed briefing. This article is a car park intelligent design, through the adoption of PLC technology on the design of car park management to car parks intelligent, efficient.
Key Words : PLC;Intelligent System;Parking;Safety Management



  • 室內設計製圖基礎
  • 花鍵設計
  • 機械機構設計
  • 齒輪機構設計
  • autocad機械設計製圖
  • 三視圖轉立體圖
  • 基於裝配之設計
  • autocad立體轉三視圖
  • autocad立體教學
  • autocad立體圖標註
  • autocad立體製圖
  • plc設計範例
  • plc電路設計
  • plc軟體設計
  • plc萬年曆設計
  • plc設計規劃
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